Presenters:  Hank Blackwood K4HYJ Georgia ARRL Section Manager (SM), Lee Stone KT4LS our Georgia ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC)

Forum Descriptions: (Limited to 45 Minutes due to the Baloon Launch at 9:45)

ARRL:  Hank will inform us about the status of the ARRL Southeastern Division and the Georgia Section.

GA ARES:  Lee will cover the following topics:

  1. GA ARES website including member registration
  2. GA ARES is now a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
  3. Activation activity during Hurricane Helene
  4. Review of SET1 session and SET2 session for 2024
  5. GA ARES State Meeting at Georgia Public Safety Training Center, 1000 Indian Springs Drive, Forsyth GA 31029 on March 8, 2025


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