Packet Radio: Ham Radio Data Networks

Presenter: Don Rotolo, N2IRZ

Forum Description: Packet Radio is a digital mode developed in the 1980s that is used for data communications primarily on VHF and UHF. Modern packet networks offer a unique opportunity to learn about and experiment with many aspects of amateur radio and data networks, along with software and hardware development. In this forum presentation, we will take a close look at Packet and its uses, the kinds of equipment used to operate, different kinds of links and networks typically found, and some details about the Atlanta TARPN network being grown today.

Here’s some of what Don will cover:
  1. What is packet radio?
  2. What is it used for?
    1. Typical uses
    2. EmComm
    3. Playground
  3. Equipment
    1. Software
    2. TNCs
    3. Radios
  4. Links: Pros & Cons
    1. Internet?
    2. Simplex
    3. Digipeater
    4. Network
  5. Network Architectures
    1. Digipeater
    2. User port/Backbone
    3. Point-to-point
  6. Atlanta TARPN
    1. Software
    2. Hardware
    3. TARPN Rules
  7. Questions


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